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Rife Therapy Cancer Treatment in Ocala, FL

Rife Machine

In his interview , Rife provides important details concerning his research and the difficulties that he encountered. He did use cancer tissues and prepared over 15,000 slides, since he was convinced that his microscope should allow him to see the microbe that causes cancer, but it remained hidden.

Rife Machine

The diameter of the spherical core of the Covid-19 virus is 85 nm and it carries 20 nm long spikes. However, electron microscopes can only yield images of dead microbes. His name was Royal Raymond Rife, a bacteriologist who carried out groundbreaking work in the 1920s and onwards, but whose research has been largely suppressed, and sometimes even ridiculed.

Effects on Cancer

We are here to answer all of your questions, ease your concerns, and talk about your alternative treatment options. No one likes to think they could become the victim of a cancer diagnosis. However, it is a fact that roughly 1.9 million people in the United States will…

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Since skeptics did simply attribute it to illusions, in spite of numerous testimonies of serious witnesses, it is useful to show how the explanation was found. The example is also adequate to illustrate the method of imagining what is hidden and verifying if the logical consequences do agree with all observed facts.

History of Rife Machine

We mention also that it is possible to use UV light for disinfecting surfaces. The FDA issued a warning, since UVC light damages the human skin and is dangerous for our eyes . Rife’s method is not dangerous at all and efficient for destroying virulent microbes anywhere inside our body. Developed by Dr Royal Rife, the Rife machine is a crystal generator designed to regenerate cells in the human body by producing sound waves compatible with the wellness needs of the cells.

  • Rife’s machine was constructed based on Dr. Albert Abrams’s previous work.
  • He manufactured ball bearings and Rife provided a way to control their quality by constructing an X-ray machine.
  • Unconscious biases are much less descructive then in brain hemisphere domint persons.
  • According to Doyle, Rettmann told patients that the government did not want to cure cancer and did not understand what she was doing.
  • “After many long procedures and unsuccessful attempts”, Rife had fortuitously placed a test tube near an argon discharge tube.
  • He presented clear evidence in a video that the somatid found in blood can have a simple lifecycle or one with 16 different stages.
  • Cancer cells behave similarly to the carbonated beverage in your bottle.

This frequency is significantly lower than that of the waves that are emitted by mobile phones. According to a 2013 review, no scientific evidence shows that the or other similar devices can treat cancer. The American Medical Association condemned Rife’s experiments at the time, and independent researchers were unable to replicate the claims he made in his work. We have to insist that dogmatism and concentration of power endanger scientific progress by blocking freedom of thought. When it is guided by observing reality and rational analysis, it is more efficient than ideology,but dictatorship and reckless use of power are always a temptation. In this context, we have to mention the research of the Russian chemist Tamara Lebedeva .


Such devices were originally produced at the beginning of the last century, but are still sold today at incredibly high prices of thousands of dollars. The purpose of this project was to explain how to make such a device yourself with “professional” features whose complete cost does not exceed twenty five dollars. This is how I want to capture the real value of such devices that are sold today on Internet. Rife machine therapy.These devices are designed to treat the whole body in the most effective and least damaging way possible. Furthermore, cancerous cells are programmed to divide rapidly, forming a mass .

Cantwell insisted again in 2014 on existing evidence that cancer is caused by pleomorphic bacteria . More and more justifications of the relevance of modified forms of bacteria in human pathologies have been published. This article contains several micrographs showing that ultramicrobacteria can make contact with one another by means of hair-like appendices. Banfield’s team at the University of California, Berkeley, collected nanobacteria by filtering acetate-amended ground water . These cells were immediately deep-frozen to prevent deterioration and brought to the laboratory, where they were analyzed by CryoTEM.

There were about 800 albino rats, but also Guinea pigs and rabbits (Q.59). In 1929, a local newspaper published an article about Rife’s extraordinary microscope and his fascinating discoveries . The journalist praised his competence in bacteriology, chemistry, metallurgy and engineering.

Rife Machine

This process is represented in a simplified way in Figure 4. Blue laser light of moderate intensity is absorbed by a molecule. An electron is there raised from the ground state So to the first excited state S1. The interrupted line represents this loss of energy, since it is sufficient to represent the initial and final excited state to account for Figure 3. Light emission result from the transition in Figure 4, but stimulated emission (2’) can be caused by intense laser light of the adequate frequency. The excited state is then constantly emptied and normal light emission is quenched. Rife constructed there his microscopes and the basement provided facilities for 1000 animals with precisely controlled air-conditioning (Q.10).

She had been selling the Rife device for about $3,500 and the radionics machine for $1,700. The theory was promoted by Dr. Albert Abrams who practiced in the late 1800s and early 1900s. Rife Machine He believed that he could build a device that would detect the radio frequencies of diseases and cure people by emitting “disease destroying vibrations” at the same frequencies.

The rife machine was designed to detect the natural frequency of bacteria, viruses, or cancer cells, and match them. Like the opera singer and the glass, the rife machine emits a frequency to target the cells and causes them to undergo apoptosis. The atoms that come together to form a molecule are held together in that molecular configuration with a covalent energy bond which both emits and absorbs its own specific electromagnetic frequency.


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